MOHRE Complaint Number

In the UAE there is an entity dedicated to all labor issues that may arise in companies. This is the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE). Among the functions of this institution is to modify all labor laws if necessary. In addition, they will serve as intermediaries in disputes between employees and employers. If you are an employee who wants to file a complaint, the most important thing to store is the MOHRE complaint number that they provide you.

In this article, you will see everything related to how to implement complaints in MOHRE. The first thing will be to show when employees have the right to go to this entity. The second thing is to give a step-by-step tutorial on the process of filing a labor complaint. In addition, once the accusation is made, we will show you how to see the status of this complaint.

  1. What are the valid reasons to file a complaint at MOHRE?
  2. How can the complaint be made?
  3. How can you check the complaint status in MOHRE?
  4. Some FAQs
  5. What are the changes regarding complaints in the new labor law?
  6. Contact EOR Middle East and we will support you throughout the process

1. What are the valid reasons to file a complaint at MOHRE?

In the UAE, their labor law includes different clauses where the rights of workers are governed. All employees have the full right to report their employers. This will be valid in case the employer violates any of the following stipulations:

  • The work environment is not safe for employees.
  • You do not have your annual vacation. Also, you are not allowed to take vacations during holidays.
  • There are delays in the salaries of employees.
  • Employees who are pregnant do not have maternity leave.
  • The employer has in his possession the passport of one of his employees.
  • Force employees to work more than 8 or 9 hours a day.
  • By resigning, the tip is not paid despite having worked the necessary time in the company.
  • You are not given a 30-day grace period after the termination of your employment contract.
  • The employee is required to cover all costs of the employment visa of any employee.

2. How can the complaint be made?

The Ministry of Labor complaint UAE may be considered easy for some people, but not for everyone. Thinking about this, in this section, you will see a step-by-step tutorial on how to start this process. It is important to clarify that there are three different methods to carry out a UAE labor complaint.

2.1 MOHRE call center

The first thing you should do is call 80060, which is the call center provided by MOHRE. Once you dial the number, a customer service agent will answer your questions. It is to this person that you must make all your work complaints, he will try to give you solutions and proceed to take the complaint; in case they cannot reach an agreement.

Once the operator takes your complaint, they will forward it to the Complaints and Guidance Office. If a conciliation can be reached, the Office will close the matter. If, on the contrary, the employee or employer cannot be resolved, he must file a formal complaint. After this, it will already be a case of the UAE labor court.

2.2 MOHRE online

For this method, you must enter the MOHRE website or the app if you have it. If you are interested in filing your complaint by this method, the steps to follow are as follows.

  • Once you are in the MOHRE app or website, you will see a menu. You must select the option that says “register labor complaints”.
  • You will get other options; of which you must select the one that says “start service”. In the next menu, choose “type of complaint”.
  • They will ask you for some information regarding your work. These are the unified number, type of request, and work permit number. In the end, there will be a field to fill in the details of the complaint.
  • After filling in all the fields that appear there, select “send”.
  • Once you have pressed “send” the two people involved will receive an SMS with the confirmation of the complaint. This will come in both Arabic and English. You will receive the details of the citation and the MOHRE complaint number. It is important that you keep this number well.
  • The wait time is approximately 72 hours after you apply. After the 3 days have passed, a person from the Twa-Fouq will look for you.

2.3 The Twa-Fouq service

There are Twa-Fouq service centers, which are responsible for receiving all MOHRE complaints. The people in the center provide suggestions and try to resolve conflicts in a good way. In addition, if necessary, they carry out the necessary investigations. If they cannot reconcile, they will send the request to the court.

3. How can you check the complaint status in MOHRE?

Something important to keep in mind is that, to carry out MOHRE complaint tracking, you need the UAE labor complaint number. Or better known as the MOHRE complaint number. Next, you will see how you can check the labor complaint status.

  • The first thing you should do is enter the MOHRE website or app. It is important that from now on you have the MOHRE complaint number at hand.
  • On the page you should look for the MOHRE complaint status check option.
  • A screen will appear requesting the MOHRE complaint number. You place it in the field indicated and click on accept.

3.1 Another option

If you ask yourself how to check labor complaint status without having to enter the Ministry of Labor page; Here you will see another option. It is important to note that in this method you will also need the MOHRE complaint number that was provided to you.

This method consists of using the complaint tracking page, called eNetwasal. You must go to this page and enter the MOHRE complaint number. Then, press send and you will see all the data on how the process is going.

4. Some FAQs

4.1 How much should the plaintiff pay?

All MOHRE complaint services are free. However, when a company is facing a claim, fees can be involved. If an amount greater than AED 100,000 is claimed, there will be a charge of 5% of the amount requested. This will be a court fee and the maximum fee charged will be AED 20,000.

4.2 Do you need to know something about the labor laws of the UAE?

People residing in the UAE can work for both the private sector and government agencies. There are labor laws for the private sector that will help you better understand the rights of workers in the UAE. In the same way, there are renewals of work permits for the workforce.

4.3 Can the TWA-FOUQ resolve complaints?

After a complaint request is successful, the TWAFOUQ center will send an SMS message to both parties. This is to discuss the problem mutually. If the parties can resolve this dispute, the case can be closed after confirming both the employee and the employer by phone. The center will no longer contact both parties by SMS.

The center will call so that you can visit the nearest service center. This way they will be able to meet with the legal investigator. When the employee or employer is at the TWAFOUQ office, they should ask about their appointment. This can be done through customer service or the receptionist.

The staff will be in charge of verifying the corresponding case number and entering it into the system. Here, the investigator will schedule a meeting, and the parties involved will receive an SMS when they arrive at the service center. It is advisable to arrive 10 minutes before the stipulated time.

4.4 What happens if both parties decide to settle their dispute?

The most important thing is to be able to mediate between the parties at the first meeting or within 48 hours. If both the employee and the employer decide to settle the case, TWAFOUQ staff must request to settle the debts. In addition, of the quotas or some final agreement in front of him. If the case is handled successfully, it will be marked as resolved and the signatures of both parties must be taken.

4.5 What happens if both parties cannot agree to mediation?

If the conciliation of the parties fails, the complaint will be forwarded to the competent court. It should be noted that when the case is sent to the labor court, the TWAFOUQ center will not be able to make a final decision. In this case, it will be the court judge who decides according to the day of the trial. This can be avoided if both parties come to an amicable agreement.

4.6 How to register complaints to the Ministry of Labor Dubai complaints?

A labor complaint in Dubai must have the following details to complete:

  • Your valid Emirates ID number.
  • Your active mobile number.
  • The full name that the company has registered in its license.
  • Your email address.
  • In detail the complaint with a maximum of 512 characters.
  • You must select the captcha image and press send.

5. What are the changes regarding complaints in the new labor law?

Currently, the government in the UAE has made certain reforms regarding the resolution of labor complaints. The labor conflicts that they take into account are functions that are not found in the employment contract. In addition, other issues are important to know. Therefore, in this section, you will see the changes that were made to the new labor law.

5.1 Individual work complaints

One of the first things to note is that both the employee and the employer can file a complaint. But, they must have a valid reason for this. For instance, breach of the clauses of the contract of any of the parties. If you want to file a complaint, you must do so within a maximum of 1 month after committing the offense.

5.2 Conflict resolution

After having placed the labor complaint, the Dubai Ministry of Labor is obliged to resolve each complaint. The first step will be to come to a peaceful resolution. If no agreement is reached, the case will go to labor court in Dubai.

5.3 Obligations of the worker

Certain rules must be followed by law once the employee has filed a complaint. Which you will see listed below.

  • It is not recommended that you stop working for the boss to whom you filed the complaint.
  • If after passing the trial or in the agreement it is reached that you are not going to continue working in the company; before the end of the 14 days after the verdict, the revocation of the work visa must be presented.
  • While the trial is taking place, the worker can look for work in another company and, in turn, apply for a work permit with the new employer. It is important that if you are going to do this, you are not accused of absence. You must avoid opening a case for a flight.

6. Contact EOR Middle East and we will support you throughout the process

It may seem like a lie, but it is very normal for there to be problems between employees and bosses in companies. This is why it is very important to know which entities are in charge of resolving these things. Thus, you avoid wasting time looking for institutions that will not be able to help you. For all these matters of advice and support, it is good that you have the assistance of a person who knows the subject.

With our company support, you can expand to these areas:

The best people who can help you with these things are at EOR Middle East. We specialize in a variety of matters that you may need. Among them, helping you so that you can obtain your visa and that of your family. Or if, on the contrary, you want to cancel it and request the final settlement. You can contact us at +971 43 316 688. Or via email at [email protected].

To be able to migrate to any country it is important to have a job. The UAE is no exception to this rule. If you want to be able to achieve this goal, do not hesitate for a second to enter Consequently, in our portal, you will see a variety of jobs from many companies that may be interesting. However, if using our page is too difficult for you, you can send us your CV to [email protected].

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