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Expand your business efficiently and seamlessly to Turkey with our help

With our capabilities we can help you grow and develop across Turkey. Set up your team and get them ready to work thanks to our wide range of services aimed to assist you with each stage of your expansion.


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We Offer A Tailored Service For Your Expansion

Our in-country experts ensure your team gets ready to work in Turkey

Employer of Record EOR

Get a solid workforce in Turkey with our EOR services. You can employ and pay workers quickly, compliantly and efficiently with our assistance. Focus on developing your business while we handle your administrative functions.

Immigration Services

With our Immigration Services you can receive assistance through each stage of legal procedures to obtain visas and work permits for your workforce. We can provide valuable assessment so you can get your team ready to work in Turkey.

Relocation services

Our relocation and destination services can help you ensure a smooth transition for your employees and new hires to Turkey. Receive local guidance regarding the country’s culture and customs as well as business training so they can adapt to this new place.

HR management

No matter the size of your company, we can take care of your HR management to ensure an outstanding workforce. We can help you develop strategic plans to employ staff and ensure compliance on each task of your HR department.

Professional Employer Organization PEO

Our team of specialists can provide an outstanding PEO service to ensure you can grow confidently in Turkey. We can handle several tasks such as hiring, recruitment, onboarding, payroll and more to ensure an efficient workforce.

Payroll Outsourcing

Get an outstanding payroll processing and administration with our help. We can ensure data accuracy and an on-time delivery of your payroll. Avoid issues with your workforce regarding payments so you can receive a top performance from them. .

Contractor Hire

Have a flexible team by incorporating top contractors with our assistance. Our experienced team can assist you on several tasks such as finding and hiring contractors, payments, compliance and more. We will handle your needs regarding contractor hire.

Remote Workers Hire

Get top talent for your business by hiring remote workers that can suit your requirements. With our comprehensive service you can find, hire and pay outstanding professionals that want to work for you without geographical restrictions.

Employer of Record Solutions

A Wide Range Of Services To Fit
Your Requirements

Recruitment & Onboarding

- Hire and onboard your new hires efficiently and quickly

HR Consultancy

- Our team of specialist will ensure an outstanding HR management

Contractor management

- Get top contractors for your workforce in compliance

Trusted EOR Provider

Legal advice

- Avoid non-compliance risks with our service

Mobilization services

- Get your workforce across Turkey without any worries

Payroll processing

- Ensure an accurate data payroll and on-time payments


Simple & Clean Work Process



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    Business Bay - Dubai Sheikh Zayed Road, United Arab Emirates

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